Since the establishment of ORC-Cert, we have been serving the public with passion, and providing reliable and professional certification services.
1. Independent, integrity
We are a third-party, independent and non-for-profit certification body. Although we interact closely with the organic industry, there is no conflict of interest, and we operate independently with honesty and reliability.
2. Fair, impartial, confidentiality
We handle all applications equally, and not favouring any particular parties’ interests. All employee serve with probity and impartiality. All applicants’ information is kept confidential, and will not be disclosed to the public without the consent of the applicant to protect the interests of the applicant.
3. Professional, good acceptability
ORC-Cert is comprised of Board of Directors, Executive Committee, Certification Board, The Standard Board and Office Staff. The Boards are consisted of farmer, retailers, environmentalists/ scientists, consumers, government, worthy personages which have a wide range of acceptability. Besides, all our inspectors have been trained and accredited by the International Organic Inspector Association (IOIA).
4. High market share, wide coverage
We are the first organic certification body in Hong Kong that receives funding from the VMO Agricultural Development Fund. Since our inception in 2002, we have maintained a leading role in the industry by issuing more than 130 organic certifications to local farms, fish farms and food processing plants. According to our market research in 2012, our organic label is the most familiar one among Hong Kong people, reaching a recognition rate of 66%, covering a broad level.
5. Strive for improvement, voluntary introduction of international accreditation
We are not complacent, and strive to improve our certification system to provide certification services of international level in order to maintain our pledge. Since there is no legislation regulating the organic labeling in Hong Kong, to increase our credibility, we voluntarily applied for accreditation from the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and received the accreditation in 2012*, which demonstrated that our certification system has reached international standard.
*HKORC-Cert is accredited by IOAS for the scope of product certification. Registration number: 67. Please refer to for current information.